



It is a new injection works on dissolving the fats in the body. These needles can be injected anywhere in the body where you want to get rid of fats, such as buttocks, abdomen and hands. The combination of these injections, that are considered an alternative to the liposuction surgery, works on breaking the fat cells in the body and remove them through the urine. The body disposal of these fats within 3 weeks. The manufacturers of this injection say “it prevents the formation of fats again. But it does not suit people who suffer from obesity, but only help to carve the body in certain places and the patient can lose from 8 to 10 kg within 3 weeks from injection.” Mechanism of work: The active ingredient in AQUALYX is the dioxin colic, which works on emulsifying fats from the body and converting them into a liquid substance that is easy for the body to get rid of through the urine. Local injection therapy begins in the pouches of fats, such as the belly, buttocks, thighs and arms. Then the dioxin colic begins to break fats. The injection contains plant polymers, which have selective properties, ignoring the cellular walls of the fatty tissue and penetrating them and then begin to break fats. Within three weeks, the body begins to get rid of the dissolved fats through the urine. Effectiveness of injection The injection was used in 2 million cases around the world and has been very successful, especially among people with excessive obesity and with those who have failed the traditional methods of slimming. The injection may be a great option for those who want to get rid of the local fats without undergoing liposuction surgery. The side effects: No side effects of the injection were observed, but it should be taken by a specialist and trained doctor, as well as the necessary medical examinations should be done before undergoing treatment. It is prohibited to be used on patients of diabetes, liver and kidney, where the injection works mainly on increasing the secretion of urine.

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