
Dental Implants

Dental & Orthodontics

Dental Implants

It is a surgical procedure used to install replacement artificial teeth in the jaw to replace missing teeth. This procedure is a common and effective solution to restore the function and natural appearance of teeth.

The dental implant procedure usually includes the following steps:


Evaluation and planning: The doctor evaluates the condition and determines whether dental implants are suitable for the patient. This includes examining the teeth and jaw, taking x-rays, and planning the procedure.


Implant surgery: A small surgery is performed to place an implant screw (implant) in the jaw. An implant is anchored to the bone well, and integrates with the bone over time in a process called implant fusion.


Tissue healing: The mouth needs time to heal and heal. This may require several months before the mouth is ready for artificial teeth.


Installation of artificial teeth: After the tissues have healed, artificial teeth (crown, bridge, or partial) are installed on the implants. Artificial teeth are designed and made to fit and match the rest of the natural teeth in the mouth.


Dental implant placement is a long-term process that requires continuous cooperation between the patient and the healthcare team. The patient must follow post-operative care instructions, including regular oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist for follow-up and maintenance.

The specialist dentists in the Department of Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery work to provide comprehensive care to patients and meet their health and cosmetic needs related to the mouth and teeth.

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