
Ultraformer skin tightening device


Ultraformer skin tightening device

Patients will notice an immediate face lifting impression after the session. The tightening & lifting results will reach its peak within 3-12 weeks.

Face Lifting

Ultraformer works by focusing high-intensity ultrasound energy on 3 target areas:

  • The SMAS (Superficial muscular aponeurotic system) that connects facial muscles to the dermis by 4.5 mm cartridge, energy results in shrinkage of fibers and gives immediate impressions.
  • The dermis & the epidermis by 1.5,2.0 & 3.0 mm cartridges, energy raises the temperature of targeted points to 65.4 degrees, coagulates these points & hence triggers collagen neogenesis.


The collagen neogenesis

Inflammation phase

Ultrasound energy transferred directly into the dermis causes inflammation of skin tissue followed by a natural process of fibroplasia, or migration of new connective tissue for wound healing purposes.


Remodeling phase
Granulation tissue forms on the wound, inducing a tighter and more uniform buildup of collagen fibers. On the exterior, the patient will notice diminishing wrinkles and a tighter complexion between a period of 3 to 12 weeks.


 Body contouring


Ultraformer's powered cartridges focus accurate beams of ultrasound energy into the subcutaneous fat layers to induce contraction of stubborn fat cells.
The denatured fat cells are engulfed by macrophages & disposed-off through lymphatics system.




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